AI-Driven 360-Degree Security Control: Advanced Solutions for Unmatched Protection and Resilience


AI-Driven 360-Degree Security Control: Advanced Solutions for Unmatched Protection and Resilience

About CYBAXE: Autonomous Detection and Response (ADR)

CYBAXE ADR leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance NDR IT security by autonomously detecting, responding to, and mitigating threats across the entire IT infrastructure. Here are the key capabilities of this technology:

CYBAXE ADR is a cutting-edge Network Detection and Response (NDR) solution using AI to monitor network traffic and provide real-time threat detection and defense.
Behavioral Analysis

Behavioral Analysis

Unlike static signature-based detection systems that rely on known threat indicators, CYBAXE ADR analyzes patterns of behavior. If it detects unusual activity that deviates from the norm, it raises alerts, even if the activity appears legitimate at first glance. For example, if an application starts communicating with an external server in a way it never has before, ADR will flag it for inspection.
Traffic Monitoring

Traffic Monitoring

CYBAXE ADR monitors all network traffic, including communications that involve known Indicators of Compromise (IOCs), such as malicious IP addresses or domains. Traditional firewalls might miss these interactions because they are not built to handle complex threat landscapes. In contrast, CYBAXE ADR keeps a close eye on every connection, ensuring that nothing suspicious slips by.
Autonomous Operations

Autonomous Operations

One of the most critical features of CYBAXE ADR is its ability to act autonomously. When it detects an anomaly, it doesn’t just issue an alert—it can take action. For example, if it identifies a suspicious session between a server and an external entity, it can automatically log out that session or trigger additional security mechanisms to block further access. This significantly reduces response times and minimizes damage.
AI and Machine Learning Integration

AI and Machine Learning Integration

By leveraging machine learning, CYBAXE ADR continuously improves its detection capabilities. The system learns from past incidents and adapts its responses, making it more effective at identifying previously unseen threats. This self-learning aspect is vital for staying ahead of cybercriminals who are constantly developing new attack vectors.
Encrypted Traffic Monitoring

Encrypted Traffic Monitoring

One of the most unique features of CYBAXE ADR is its ability to monitor encrypted traffic. Traditional network security systems often struggle with encrypted traffic because they require decryption to inspect the data, which introduces privacy concerns and slows down performance. CYBAXE ADR, however, analyzes encrypted traffic without needing to decrypt it, ensuring that potential threats are detected even in secure communications.
Threat Hunting and Forensics

Threat Hunting and Forensics

Empowers security teams to proactively hunt for hidden threats, providing detailed forensic data like activity logs and anomaly reports. This aids in identifying advanced threats and speeds up post-incident investigations, reducing attacker dwell time and enhancing security.
Behavioral Analysis

Behavioral Analysis

Unlike static signature-based detection systems that rely on known threat indicators, CYBAXE ADR analyzes patterns of behavior. If it detects unusual activity that deviates from the norm, it raises alerts, even if the activity appears legitimate at first glance. For example, if an application starts communicating with an external server in a way it never has before, ADR will flag it for inspection

Traffic Monitoring

Traffic Monitoring

CYBAXE ADR monitors all network traffic, including communications that involve known Indicators of Compromise (IOCs), such as malicious IP addresses or domains. Traditional firewalls might miss these interactions because they are not built to handle complex threat landscapes. In contrast, CYBAXE ADR keeps a close eye on every connection, ensuring that nothing suspicious slips by.

Autonomous Operations

Autonomous Operations

One of the most critical features of CYBAXE ADR is its ability to act autonomously. When it detects an anomaly, it doesn’t just issue an alert—it can take action. For example, if it identifies a suspicious session between a server and an external entity, it can automatically log out that session or trigger additional security mechanisms to block further access. This significantly reduces response times and minimizes damage

AI and Machine Learning Integration

AI and Machine Learning Integration

By leveraging machine learning, CYBAXE ADR continuously improves its detection capabilities. The system learns from past incidents and adapts its responses, making it more effective at identifying previously unseen threats. This self-learning aspect is vital for staying ahead of cybercriminals who are constantly developing new attack vectors.

Encrypted Traffic Monitoring

Encrypted Traffic Monitoring

By leveraging machine learning, CYBAXE ADR continuously improves its detection cOne of the most unique features of CYBAXE ADR is its ability to monitor encrypted traffic. Traditional network security systems often struggle with encrypted traffic because they require decryption to inspect the data, which introduces privacy concerns and slows down performance. CYBAXE ADR, however, analyzes encrypted traffic without needing to decrypt it, ensuring that potential threats are detected even in secure communications.apabilities. The system learns from past incidents and adapts its responses, making it more effective at identifying previously unseen threats. This self-learning aspect is vital for staying ahead of cybercriminals who are constantly developing new attack vectors.

Threat Hunting and Forensics

Threat Hunting and Forensics

Empowers security teams to proactively hunt for hidden threats, providing detailed forensic data like activity logs and anomaly reports. This aids in identifying advanced threats and speeds up post-incident investigations, reducing attacker dwell time and enhancing security.

About CYBAXE: Autonomous Detection and Response (ADR)

CYBAXE ADR leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance cybersecurity by autonomously detecting, responding to, and mitigating threats across the entire IT infrastructure. Here are the key capabilities of this technology:

CYBAXE ADR is a cutting-edge Network Detection and Response (NDR) solution using AI to monitor network traffic and provide real-time threat detection and defense.
Behavioral Analysis

Behavioral Analysis

Unlike static signature-based detection systems that rely on known threat indicators, CYBAXE ADR analyzes patterns of behavior. If it detects unusual activity that deviates from the norm, it raises alerts, even if the activity appears legitimate at first glance. For example, if an application starts communicating with an external server in a way it never has before, ADR will flag it for inspection

Traffic Monitoring

Traffic Monitoring

CYBAXE ADR monitors all network traffic, including communications that involve known Indicators of Compromise (IOCs), such as malicious IP addresses or domains. Traditional firewalls might miss these interactions because they are not built to handle complex threat landscapes. In contrast, CYBAXE ADR keeps a close eye on every connection, ensuring that nothing suspicious slips by.

Autonomous Operations

Autonomous Operations

One of the most critical features of CYBAXE ADR is its ability to act autonomously. When it detects an anomaly, it doesn’t just issue an alert—it can take action. For example, if it identifies a suspicious session between a server and an external entity, it can automatically log out that session or trigger additional security mechanisms to block further access. This significantly reduces response times and minimizes damage

AI and Machine Learning Integration

AI and Machine Learning Integration

By leveraging machine learning, CYBAXE ADR continuously improves its detection capabilities. The system learns from past incidents and adapts its responses, making it more effective at identifying previously unseen threats. This self-learning aspect is vital for staying ahead of cybercriminals who are constantly developing new attack vectors.

Encrypted Traffic Monitoring

Encrypted Traffic Monitoring

By leveraging machine learning, CYBAXE ADR continuously improves its detection cOne of the most unique features of CYBAXE ADR is its ability to monitor encrypted traffic. Traditional network security systems often struggle with encrypted traffic because they require decryption to inspect the data, which introduces privacy concerns and slows down performance. CYBAXE ADR, however, analyzes encrypted traffic without needing to decrypt it, ensuring that potential threats are detected even in secure communications.apabilities. The system learns from past incidents and adapts its responses, making it more effective at identifying previously unseen threats. This self-learning aspect is vital for staying ahead of cybercriminals who are constantly developing new attack vectors.

Threat Hunting and Forensics

Threat Hunting and Forensics

Empowers security teams to proactively hunt for hidden threats, providing detailed forensic data like activity logs and anomaly reports. This aids in identifying advanced threats and speeds up post-incident investigations, reducing attacker dwell time and enhancing security.

AI-Based Network Detection and Response (NDR)

CYBAXE ADR is an advanced cybersecurity solution designed for continuous monitoring and analysis of network traffic across both physical and cloud environments. Built on a powerful 100G architecture utilizing DPDK technology, it enables high-speed packet processing for real-time threat detection. Leveraging AI and machine learning, CYBAXE ADR identifies abnormal behaviors and anomalies, providing proactive defense against sophisticated cyberattacks. It offers full visibility into network activities, even monitoring encrypted traffic without decryption, ensuring data security. With the integration of the MITRE ATT&CK framework, CYBAXE ADR enhances threat detection and response by correlating security events with global and local threat intelligence.

Supported by an efficient ClickHouse (CH) backend, it enables precise detection and proactive incident management. CYBAXE ADR is your all-in-one solution for protecting your organization against evolving cyber threats.

CYBAXE ADR vs. Traditional Security Elements

Features Traditional Firewalls/Antivirus CYBAXE ADR/NDR
Detection of Threats Primarily signature-based Behavioral analysis using AI and machine learning
Response Time Reactive, after breach is detected Autonomous, immediate response to threats
Encrypted Traffic Monitoring Requires decryption Monitors without decryption
Threat Intelligence Limited, dependent on known threats Integrates global threat intelligence with local data
Autonomous Action No, manual intervention required Yes, can log out sessions or block suspicious activity automatically
Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) Often undetected, especially "low and slow" attacks Continuously monitors for anomalous behavior associated with APTs
Features Traditional Firewalls/Antivirus
Detection of Threats Primarily signature-based
Response Time Reactive, after breach is detected
Encrypted Traffic Monitoring Requires decryption
Threat Intelligence Limited, dependent on known threats
Autonomous Action No, manual intervention required
Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) Often undetected, especially "low and slow" attacks
Detection of Threats Behavioral analysis using AI and machine learning
Response Time Autonomous, immediate response to threats
Encrypted Traffic Monitoring Monitors without decryption
Threat Intelligence Integrates global threat intelligence with local data
Autonomous Action Yes, can log out sessions or block suspicious activity automatically
Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) Continuously monitors for anomalous behavior associated with APTs

CYBAXE ADR vs. Traditional Security Elements

Features Traditional Firewalls/Antivirus
Detection of Threats Primarily signature-based
Response Time Reactive, after breach is detected
Encrypted Traffic Monitoring Requires decryption
Threat Intelligence Limited, dependent on known threats
Autonomous Action No, manual intervention required
Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) Often undetected, especially "low and slow" attacks
Detection of Threats Behavioral analysis using AI and machine learning
Response Time Autonomous, immediate response to threats
Encrypted Traffic Monitoring Monitors without decryption
Threat Intelligence Integrates global threat intelligence with local data
Autonomous Action Yes, can log out sessions or block suspicious activity automatically
Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) Continuously monitors for anomalous behavior associated with APTs

Cybaxe Highlights

Continuously monitors network traffic, both in the cloud and on-premises, to detect adversarial activities.

Provides critical visibility into network threats, enabling proactive defense and effective incident response.

Delivers comprehensive monitoring, including detection of lateral movements across the network.

Features NDR Center and Sensor modes for centralized management.

Utilizes high-throughput neural networks for file-based scanning and malware classification.

Integrates smoothly with existing network devices and infrastructure for seamless deployment.

Cybaxe Highlights

Continuously monitors network traffic, both in the cloud and on-premises, to detect adversarial activities.

Provides critical visibility into network threats, enabling proactive defense and effective incident response.

Delivers comprehensive monitoring, including detection of lateral movements across the network.

Features NDR Center and Sensor modes for centralized management.

Utilizes high-throughput neural networks for file-based scanning and malware classification.

Integrates smoothly with existing network devices and infrastructure for seamless deployment.

Key Focus Areas of Network Security Products

User Entity and Behavior Analytics (UEBA)

Monitors user and entity activities, establishes baselines for normal behavior, and alerts on deviations from the norm.

Intrusion Prevention/Detection Systems (IPS/IDS)

Monitors and blocks known attacks in traffic that bypasses the firewall.

PCAP Devices

Captures raw packets traveling over the network for forensic analysis and attack replay.

Network Traffic Analysis (NTA)

Collects and analyzes traffic metadata from all sources, both internal and external, to detect anomalies, risks, and threats.

Sandbox and Anti-Virus/Malware Software

Protects networks, endpoints, and servers from infections that can corrupt files, export sensitive data, or perform malicious activities.

Application Security

Identifies and blocks vulnerabilities in application software.


Prevent unauthorized access to the network by controlling traffic flow.

Cloud Security

Safeguards resources and applications hosted in the cloud.

Key Focus Areas of Network Security Products

User Entity and Behavior Analytics (UEBA)

Monitors user and entity activities, establishes baselines for normal behavior, and alerts on deviations from the norm.

Intrusion Prevention/Detection Systems (IPS/IDS)

Monitors and blocks known attacks in traffic that bypasses the firewall.

PCAP Devices

Captures raw packets traveling over the network for forensic analysis and attack replay.

Intrusion Prevention/Detection Systems (IPS/IDS)

Monitors and blocks known attacks in traffic that bypasses the firewall.

Network Traffic Analysis (NTA)

Collects and analyzes traffic metadata from all sources, both internal and external, to detect anomalies, risks, and threats.

Sandbox and Anti-Virus/Malware Software

Protects networks, endpoints, and servers from infections that can corrupt files, export sensitive data, or perform malicious activities.

Application Security

Identifies and blocks vulnerabilities in application software.


Prevent unauthorized access to the network by controlling traffic flow.

Cloud Security

Safeguards resources and applications hosted in the cloud.

CYBAXE Key Features

CYBAXE Key Features

CYBAXE Security Operations


In the ever-evolving digital landscape, safeguarding your organization’s data and infrastructure is paramount. Our cutting-edge Security Information and Event Management (NG-SIEM) solution offers a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity, ensuring that your business remains secure and compliant.

Key Features for CYBAXE SIEM:

  • Centralized Data Management: Ingest, normalize, and retain security alerts, log data, and network telemetry into a single, centralized repository to meet compliance requirements effortlessly.
  • Advanced Threat Detection: Leverage built-in machine learning and custom correlation rules to identify multi-vector attacks, automatically triage alerts, and eliminate false positives for faster investigations.
  • Automated Response: Respond swiftly to threats with our automated incident response capabilities, enabling you to disable accounts, block IP addresses, and more—all through a single platform.
  • Scalable Data Collection: Incorporate data from unlimited sources using proprietary sensors, ensuring comprehensive visibility across your security landscape.
  • Real-Time Event Correlation: Detect complex patterns across multiple nodes with patented, real-time event correlation technology, ensuring rapid identification of sophisticated threats.

Benefits for CYBAXE SIEM:

  • Efficiency: Improve Mean Time to Detect (MTTD) and Mean Time to Respond (MTTR) with automated processes, allowing your lean security teams to focus on critical tasks.
  • Compliance: Meet security and compliance requirements effortlessly, with pre-defined reports for standards such as PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and GDPR.
  • Enhanced ROI: Maximize the return on your security investment with a platform designed to leverage the full benefits of advanced threat detection and response.

Why Choose Our NG-SIEM?

Our Next-Generation SIEM is specifically tailored to meet the needs of lean security teams. With its robust automation capabilities, seamless third-party integrations, and advanced threat detection, our NG-SIEM empowers your organization to stay ahead of cyber threats while optimizing resource efficiency.


CYBAXE SOAR (Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response) integrates with hundreds of security, IT, and productivity tools, allowing seamless automation of threat detection, triage, and response. With predefined playbooks, it ensures consistent security outcomes, reducing the burden on SOC analysts and enabling faster, more accurate responses.

Key Features for CYBAXE SOAR:

  • Centralized Alert Handling: Ingests and processes alerts from diverse security sources with flexible integrations and pre-built connectors for automated responses.
  • Comprehensive Case Management: Automates triage, investigation, and collaboration, consolidating alerts into incidents with task tracking and work queues.
  • Advanced Threat Intelligence: Enriches alerts with real-time data from FortiGuard Labs and public sources to enhance threat detection and investigation.
  • Asset and Vulnerability Management: Provides a risk-based view of your assets, enabling proactive remediation with automated workflows.
  • AI-Driven Playbooks: Customizable playbooks with AI-powered recommendations that continuously improve response accuracy and efficiency.


  • Unified Security Hub: Streamline security operations by centralizing data and workflows into one powerful platform, reducing alert fatigue and improving response times.
  • AI and ML Capabilities: Automate threat hunting and alert grouping with AI, allowing analysts to focus on high-priority tasks.
  • Cross-Tool Collaboration: Easily collaborate with integrated communication tools, ensuring every incident is managed with clarity and speed.
  • Scalable and Flexible: Whether cloud-based or on-premises, CYBAXE SOAR scales to fit your needs without sacrificing performance.



CYBAXE SOAR automates and enriches security alerts, integrates multiple tools into a single interface, and empowers your team to handle sophisticated threats efficiently. It leverages threat intelligence and predefined playbooks to accelerate responses, providing actionable insights and reducing the skills gap within your security team.


Maximize Your Security Efficiency with CYBAXE SOAR

CYBAXE SOAR is designed to help you optimize your security operations. It integrates with over 100 technologies, automating responses to complex attacks while improving productivity and showcasing the business value of your security investments.

Let CYBAXE SOAR help you stay ahead of threats with automation, integration, and expert support—ensuring a secure future for your digital assets.


Cybaxe CMS is a cutting-edge cybersecurity solution designed to address the increasing complexity of network threats in today’s digital landscape. Combining Network Detection and Response (NDR), Threat Hunting, and SOAR capabilities, Cybaxe CMS delivers unparalleled protection against advanced cyber threats. The platform empowers organizations with real-time threat intelligence, proactive monitoring, and automated responses, ensuring that your digital assets remain secure.

Key Features for CYBAXE CMS:

  1. Network Detection and Response (NDR): Cybaxe CMS’s NDR component provides continuous network traffic monitoring, ensuring real-time detection of threats. By leveraging machine learning and behavioral analytics, it identifies and mitigates known and unknown threats before they can compromise your infrastructure.
  2. Advanced Threat Hunting: Our platform equips cybersecurity teams with powerful threat-hunting tools, allowing them to proactively search for potential threats within the network. Cybaxe CMS enables detailed forensic analysis, helping to uncover hidden risks and neutralize them swiftly.
  3. SOAR Capabilities: Cybaxe CMS integrates Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) to streamline incident management. With automated playbooks and workflow integrations, it enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of your cybersecurity operations, allowing faster response times and reduced manual intervention.
  4. Comprehensive Threat Intelligence: With access to global threat intelligence feeds, Cybaxe CMS ensures your defenses are constantly updated with the latest threat indicators. This helps in identifying new attack patterns, ensuring a proactive approach to securing your network.


  • Real-Time Monitoring: Ensures continuous visibility across all network layers, detecting anomalies and suspicious behavior instantly.
  • Automated Responses: Automates remediation efforts through pre-built playbooks, reducing the time from detection to action.
  • Integration Flexibility: Cybaxe CMS integrates seamlessly with existing cybersecurity infrastructure, including SIEMs, firewalls, and endpoint protection tools.
  • Scalability: Whether your organization is small or large, Cybaxe CMS scales effortlessly to meet your security needs.


Benefits for CMS:

  • Enhanced Security Posture: Cybaxe CMS ensures robust protection through advanced detection techniques and automated responses, reducing the risk of data breaches.
  • Operational Efficiency: By automating repetitive tasks and providing centralized management, Cybaxe CMS optimizes resource utilization and increases productivity.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: Reducing the need for extensive manual oversight, Cybaxe CMS cuts operational costs while providing comprehensive threat protection.

CYBAXE Security Operations


In the ever-evolving digital landscape, safeguarding your organization’s data and infrastructure is paramount. Our cutting-edge Security Information and Event Management (NG-SIEM) solution offers a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity, ensuring that your business remains secure and compliant.

Key Features for CYBAXE SIEM:

  • Centralized Data Management: Ingest, normalize, and retain security alerts, log data, and network telemetry into a single, centralized repository to meet compliance requirements effortlessly.
  • Advanced Threat Detection: Leverage built-in machine learning and custom correlation rules to identify multi-vector attacks, automatically triage alerts, and eliminate false positives for faster investigations.
  • Automated Response: Respond swiftly to threats with our automated incident response capabilities, enabling you to disable accounts, block IP addresses, and more—all through a single platform.
  • Scalable Data Collection: Incorporate data from unlimited sources using proprietary sensors, ensuring comprehensive visibility across your security landscape.
  • Real-Time Event Correlation: Detect complex patterns across multiple nodes with patented, real-time event correlation technology, ensuring rapid identification of sophisticated threats.

Benefits for CYBAXE SIEM:

  • Efficiency: Improve Mean Time to Detect (MTTD) and Mean Time to Respond (MTTR) with automated processes, allowing your lean security teams to focus on critical tasks.
  • Compliance: Meet security and compliance requirements effortlessly, with pre-defined reports for standards such as PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and GDPR.
  • Enhanced ROI: Maximize the return on your security investment with a platform designed to leverage the full benefits of advanced threat detection and response.

Why Choose Our NG-SIEM?

Our Next-Generation SIEM is specifically tailored to meet the needs of lean security teams. With its robust automation capabilities, seamless third-party integrations, and advanced threat detection, our NG-SIEM empowers your organization to stay ahead of cyber threats while optimizing resource efficiency.


CYBAXE SOAR (Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response) integrates with hundreds of security, IT, and productivity tools, allowing seamless automation of threat detection, triage, and response. With predefined playbooks, it ensures consistent security outcomes, reducing the burden on SOC analysts and enabling faster, more accurate responses.

Key Features for CYBAXE SOAR:

  • Centralized Alert Handling: Ingests and processes alerts from diverse security sources with flexible integrations and pre-built connectors for automated responses.
  • Comprehensive Case Management: Automates triage, investigation, and collaboration, consolidating alerts into incidents with task tracking and work queues.
  • Advanced Threat Intelligence: Enriches alerts with real-time data from FortiGuard Labs and public sources to enhance threat detection and investigation.
  • Asset and Vulnerability Management: Provides a risk-based view of your assets, enabling proactive remediation with automated workflows.
  • AI-Driven Playbooks: Customizable playbooks with AI-powered recommendations that continuously improve response accuracy and efficiency.


  • Unified Security Hub: Streamline security operations by centralizing data and workflows into one powerful platform, reducing alert fatigue and improving response times.
  • AI and ML Capabilities: Automate threat hunting and alert grouping with AI, allowing analysts to focus on high-priority tasks.
  • Cross-Tool Collaboration: Easily collaborate with integrated communication tools, ensuring every incident is managed with clarity and speed.
  • Scalable and Flexible: Whether cloud-based or on-premises, CYBAXE SOAR scales to fit your needs without sacrificing performance.



CYBAXE SOAR automates and enriches security alerts, integrates multiple tools into a single interface, and empowers your team to handle sophisticated threats efficiently. It leverages threat intelligence and predefined playbooks to accelerate responses, providing actionable insights and reducing the skills gap within your security team.


Maximize Your Security Efficiency with CYBAXE SOAR

CYBAXE SOAR is designed to help you optimize your security operations. It integrates with over 100 technologies, automating responses to complex attacks while improving productivity and showcasing the business value of your security investments.

Let CYBAXE SOAR help you stay ahead of threats with automation, integration, and expert support—ensuring a secure future for your digital assets.


Cybaxe CMS is a cutting-edge cybersecurity solution designed to address the increasing complexity of network threats in today’s digital landscape. Combining Network Detection and Response (NDR), Threat Hunting, and SOAR capabilities, Cybaxe CMS delivers unparalleled protection against advanced cyber threats. The platform empowers organizations with real-time threat intelligence, proactive monitoring, and automated responses, ensuring that your digital assets remain secure.

Key Features for CYBAXE CMS:

  1. Network Detection and Response (NDR): Cybaxe CMS’s NDR component provides continuous network traffic monitoring, ensuring real-time detection of threats. By leveraging machine learning and behavioral analytics, it identifies and mitigates known and unknown threats before they can compromise your infrastructure.
  2. Advanced Threat Hunting: Our platform equips cybersecurity teams with powerful threat-hunting tools, allowing them to proactively search for potential threats within the network. Cybaxe CMS enables detailed forensic analysis, helping to uncover hidden risks and neutralize them swiftly.
  3. SOAR Capabilities: Cybaxe CMS integrates Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) to streamline incident management. With automated playbooks and workflow integrations, it enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of your cybersecurity operations, allowing faster response times and reduced manual intervention.
  4. Comprehensive Threat Intelligence: With access to global threat intelligence feeds, Cybaxe CMS ensures your defenses are constantly updated with the latest threat indicators. This helps in identifying new attack patterns, ensuring a proactive approach to securing your network.


  • Real-Time Monitoring: Ensures continuous visibility across all network layers, detecting anomalies and suspicious behavior instantly.
  • Automated Responses: Automates remediation efforts through pre-built playbooks, reducing the time from detection to action.
  • Integration Flexibility: Cybaxe CMS integrates seamlessly with existing cybersecurity infrastructure, including SIEMs, firewalls, and endpoint protection tools.
  • Scalability: Whether your organization is small or large, Cybaxe CMS scales effortlessly to meet your security needs.


Benefits for CMS:

  • Enhanced Security Posture: Cybaxe CMS ensures robust protection through advanced detection techniques and automated responses, reducing the risk of data breaches.
  • Operational Efficiency: By automating repetitive tasks and providing centralized management, Cybaxe CMS optimizes resource utilization and increases productivity.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: Reducing the need for extensive manual oversight, Cybaxe CMS cuts operational costs while providing comprehensive threat protection.



What is Network Detection and Response (NDR)? Network Detection and…


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Cybaxe NDR continuously monitors network traffic to detect and respond to cyber threats, ensuring security across physical, cloud, and hybrid environments.

It uses AI and machine learning to detect unusual network behaviors, giving real-time visibility and quick threat response without needing decryption of encrypted traffic.

It provides 24/7 network monitoring, detects hidden threats, and accelerates incident response, helping improve overall network security.

Cybaxe SOAR automates and streamlines security operations, allowing faster threat response through integrated tools and custom playbooks.

It offers smooth integration with hundreds of tools, automating responses and improving incident management.

It offers smooth integration with hundreds of tools, automating responses and improving incident management.

NDR (Network Detection and Response) is a cybersecurity solution that monitors network traffic to detect and respond to threats in real-time.

NDR stands for Network Detection and Response, a method used to identify and respond to network threats.

Yes, it monitors encrypted traffic without needing decryption, ensuring comprehensive threat detection.

It supports flexible deployments with hardware, cloud, and software sensors that integrate easily with your existing infrastructure.

By continuously collecting network data, Cybaxe enables security teams to proactively hunt for threats and respond effectively

An NDR solution detects, analyzes, and responds to network-based threats in real-time to improve cybersecurity.

Resquest A Demo

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Discuss your existing security infrastructure and identify how Cybaxe ndr can enhance your protection.

Strategy Session:

Engage with a security expert to outline your objectives, address your concerns, and explore tailored ndr solutions.

Exclusive Demo:

Experience firsthand how global enterprises leverage Cybaxe to combat identity theft, ransomware, data breaches, and supply chain attacks.

Complimentary Trial

Eligible organizations can trial Cybaxe in their environment for 45 days with a full license, ensuring comprehensive evaluation.

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